The Reasons of Why Mostly New Android Smartphone Come Without Root Access
·Both in the Android Smartphone or Tablet PC, are generally sold in the state do not have root access, and there is no option of Vendor Authorized how meroot Smartphone or Tablet Android that it produces, but provide an option to Unlock Bootloader, etc.
Maybe my friend all wondering what the heck the underlying reasons for that?
Here I tried to analyze, based on my observations of the experience of using and wrestle in the Android world during this time.
About Root Access
First of all, I want to define what is Root?
Root is the primary user in a Linux system, because Android uses the Linux kernel, Android inherits the properties of Linux in general. The rest, Android’s Java Virtual Machine (Dalvik).
Root also called “Superuser” because Root has Full Access Rights on Andministrasi System (sysadmin) Linux, which if in Windows called “Administrator”.
The term Root (Indonesian: Root) is basically a Core Location (Root Directory) of the Operating System, not the folder that we address the access, always use Dashes “/”? , If on Windows using the “C: /” then Linux uses “/ dev / sda * /”, sda * eg sda1 on Linux as “C” in Windows, the difference is, the Linux Operating System can be mounted on sda2, etc. , And Dashes after the Disk Partition Letter called Root Directory.
The symbol “*” or also called “Asterisk” can be interpreted as a marker of other locations after the symbol, for example “/ home / username / Videos / *” it means the whole Directory or Other files therein are also taken into account or be affected, so, in the Folder Videos, could no longer Folder Movie, etc.
So the usual Linux OS we see the folder location such as “/ home / username / *” or “/ etc / *”. Well Dashes earliest of the location of the folder called Root Directory.
The difference Root Access to Normal Access is, on Normal Access we use the username that only has permissions or authorities that are local, ie, at the location “/ home / username / *” only at the location after the username that is to be controlled by username, eg ” / home / username / Downloads / * “.
While Root Access as the name implies mastering the entire Linux system after Dashes First “/ *”, even including all User Directory in The system, Root can master the “/ etc / *” while Normal Users can not because his realm is simply “/ home / username / * “. That’s why all the special configuration files to Normal User, stored in the Home Folder Username, eg “/ home / username / .config”.
Root can be accessed by running the “su” (stands for Super User) on Konsole / Terminal-based CLI (Command Line Interface), but can also use the “sudo” command to get root access while we are Normal User. But to be able to run the command, System must own SU Binary in the directory “/ bin”.
Root can provide Persmission form of Ownership File or Folder outside the territory of the Normal User if he wants to use the command “chown” (short for Change Owner), for example, there are files in “/ var / www / *” the Right to Access is granted to Normal User, so can 🙂
So what to do with Android System?
Obviously there is, and can be said to be very influential, both in terms of business and security. Here are Reasons Why Android Device Generally sold in unrooted Condition:
Protecting Paid App Developer
Android is based on Java, the same as the old generation Java Mobile Application non-Native who just simply run a single file, if the first file extension * .jar, then Android is * .apk.
The problem, * .apk file storage location is already known, which is located in “/ data”.
Normal users will not be able to access the directory, only the Root who can, as a normal user can only access the User Directory Internal Storage (Storage / Internal Memory) and External Storage (External Storage such as MicroSD, and stick via USB OTG feature).
By having root access, it allows third-party applications such as Root Explorer or X-plore to access the directory “/ data” was to copy (Copy) * .apk file inside to Internal Storage, and then distributed illegally, which until now could we find sites that distribute files * .apk the so-called “Black Market”.
* .apk File that has been successfully taken earlier can be installed (Install) in the Android Smartphone another very easily, simply enable the “Unknown Sources” (Unknown Source) available in the System Setup.
Although the developer (Developer) Licence Applications could add an integrated protection to prevent piracy both internal as well as Linking to External PlayStore, but if the other person already secured the * .apk file of the application, it opens the possibility for remedies, Cracking or Patching to membaypass Protection System License from the application.
And a lot of Pro Paid Applications that do not use additional protection to protect the Application License, so it can be freely used by people who do not buy the application in PlayStore. Moreover, PlayStore provide an opportunity for buyers Refund Paid App in a few minutes before akhirtnya Refund option is no longer given, in the evaluation period, the buyer could successfully copy * .apk file of the application is purchased, then pass Refund, and then install the application use File * .apk earlier Manual.
Protect your Smartphone or Tablet (Android device) from Damage
What happens if users do not understand the Linux system (Android) and then given access Root?
It was the same as that given Layman Computer User Administrator Access 😀
Yes, the Desktop Computer that uses Windows Operating System, a commonly encountered system damages caused dangerous acts committed knowingly or unknowingly using Administrator Access Rights. Such as deleting some important files in the directory “C: / Windows / *” etc., as well as inadvertently running virus program or other Malware.
On Linux, particularly Android, there are a lot of malware that could damage the system if the Android device has root access. Yes if the adware is still not too dangerous, although still hurt, but if the virus is transformed into applications (Trojan Horse)?
Vendor generalize that User Product they are laity or End User (End Users) that can only be used alone, which is why they are selling their products in conditions unrooted, which is when the User Advanced (Advanced User) menginginakan Root Access, it is very easy for a vendor to provide option to Unlock Bootloader, etc. and in the community very much like XDA Developers Tools that can be used to provide Permissions Root Android Device us.
That is why, Rooted = Void Warranty (Warranty Scorched). Due to advanced users who want the Root Access means it can modify the system to be nonstandard again called Custom Rom, Custom Kernel, etc. which were all at increased risk of system failure called bricked, both Soft Brick and Hard Brick (Off Total). Naturally, if Warranty Scorched, although it has been done Lock Bootloader back.
But the name of the Android community in which there is always a Reliable Programmer that can be called Hacker, then Unlock Bootloader can be easily restored to abort Lock without warranty, which is a way to backup TA prior to Unlock Bootloader Partition.
Preventing Use of AdBlocker
As we know, a lot of Internet Applications and Games we can use the Download in PlayStore the rent as a way Developers gain advantage from the work they create, in the form Earning from Google AdMob and other Penydia rent Mobile Application.
There are so many applications available versions: Free and Pro that distinguishes between them is the rent, which is the Pro version, there are no ads, such as the Application MX Player, for example, that the version of Internet there are advertisements, and the Pro version there is no advertising, in terms features no difference.
AdBlocker is the Great Enemy for Publishers ad, even AdBlock on Android can easily remove the ads on a website or blog that is visited via the Android Device.
Ads from Google AdSense and other ad providers very easily blocked or eliminated by installing applications such as AdBlock AdAway on Android devices and enable it requires root access.
Ad Blocker application that was long ago banned in Google PlayStore, can only be obtained at the Third Party Provider applications like F-Droid, etc. It proves that AdBlocker is the Great Enemy for Game App Developers or Android, or Publisher Ads on Website or Blog.
Even Ads on YouTube can dibaypass / removed with special AdBlocker YouTube App!
Android is Distro (Distribution Outlet) Linux the best and most popular at the moment, at least for a Mobile Device, albeit with a little tweaking can be installed in the Computer Desktop, then it is normal that a huge potential security attacks aimed at Android.
Is very normal, if a general Android device released to the market in a state of Un-root (Not having access Root), as it may cause damage or Hardware Systems Smartphone or Tablet PC Android.
This is a wise action, because not all Android users need access Root.
In addition to preventing damage to the Software or Hardware, Un-root also close loopholes for Android users to actively participate in the deployment Applications and Games Gallery.
And no less important, Un-Root can maintain both the Right Publisher Ads in Apps, Games, as well as a Website or Blog to get Earning Revenue from ads it posts. Because AdBlocker in Android Device installation is not as easy as in the Browser on Your Computer. This blog visitors who use AdBlocker, certainly a visitor who uses Computer Desktop, instead of Mobile Device such as a Smartphone or Tablet.
We as Humans do have freedom, but as beings civilized, we are bound rules, and rules that often must be imposed in order Man refuses to obey these rules, Man naturally has the potential and tendency to break the rules, in this case, how to impose the rule is by failing to provide Root access Rights to Users to close potential action that violates the rules of both written and unwritten.
That is why, many campaigners Linux and Open Source Software are skeptical and think Android is not Linux in ideology, although it uses the Linux Kernel. Notice that Microsoft is just flooded with applications PlayStore their products, which it will never exist in the Linux desktop like Ubuntu, etc.
But I think it’s just jealousy alone 😀
Because all returned to the popularity of the operating system, more and more popular, then of course the support of third-party software developers (3rd Party Application) will be very much, it is a PR for the developers of the Linux distro for Desktop Computers.